No brand is perfect, including us, but there is always a better way forward.

Problems within the fashion industry are heavily debated, and there is a good reason for this. There is so much wrong with the way the industry operates today, and it is important to bring these topics out in the open. Most importantly, discussion provides a starting point to enact change.  

This series is meant to collate a wide array of issues to discuss and debate, from topics including gender inclusivity, fair pay for workers, gender gaps, and size inclusivity, to name a few. These are all topics that I want to break down and get into the depths of, because they are pressing in today’s society.

The aim is to bring a whole range of blog posts to the PiPPiCA site, each one delving into one of these issues. I hope that this provides a safe space to talk about challenging topics, and share the ways that PiPPiCA aims to find and implement solutions to the topics discussed.

November 17, 2022